Monday 8 October 2007

Act 1 scene 5

Rita begins to be aware what a big change studying entails: little by little she's opening her mind to new experiences, she starts to feel more alive than ever! She's getting to know this new Rita, her "own version of herself..." And she likes it! Though at times she feels selfish about it, she realizes that what she needs now is to be in touch with her new self... Up to now she's behaved in the way everybody expected her to behave, she's worked and after work been to the pub with her husband and family... Rita knows that there's more to life than that and is willing to discover what it is with Frank's help... She continues studying despite Denny's attempt to prevent her from doing so, she feels that nobody can stop her, not even Frank when he invites her to stop talking about Chekhov and go to the pub!! He doesn's realize that what Rita precisely doesn't want is to go on leading the life she's led up to now! She wants to see what there is beyond the pub, what the theatre has to teach her, what authors have to tell her about life, she wants a fresh new start and is determined to pursue her objective...


Yohi said...

Hi Andy!!!!!!!!
You are right... what she really wants is to amke the difference. The pub life is wat she is used to. Now, have you though of the idea that accepting Frank's invitation scares her? Probably she already knows that she is attracted to him and viceversa.
Just wondering....
Keep on blogging!

Gladys Baya said...

Nice thoughts, Andrea!
Perhaps Frank is also a bit scared by Rita's thirst for uniqueness, just like Rita's partner?
To what extent is it "right" for a teacher to "hold down" a student who seems eager to "take off", in your view? Or should we always encourage our students to "stetch their wings"?

food for thought, no doubt...


andre said...

I believe that as teachers we need to encourage our students to take off and to learn by themselves... experience is an important part in the learning process! You never forget what you've done by yourself... holding them down doesn't make them any good, it just transmits our own fears to them!

Gladys Baya said...

Personally, I find seeing a learner "fly away" one of the most empowering experiences in life... Hope you feel many teachers have helped you "spread your wings"!

Big hug,