Monday 17 September 2007

Act 1 Scenes 3 and 4

Rita's first encounter with academic writing is not as good as she had expected... Her essay is far from what examiners want from students. Rita does not know how to support her views in the paper, she believes she knows better than examiners because she has read something they have not... she needs to develop a certain criteria when reading and Frank will help her do so. But this new criteria will not only help her when writing for an audience but also in most other aspects of her life. Rita struggles every time she has to go to her lessons against her family, partner and friends: her partner, especially, does not want to let her go there... he is afraid of Rita's opportunity of opening her mind, of seeing other reality than the one she is used to, of losing her... Rita tries to continue with her course against all odds... By the end of scene 4, we can see that she is succeeding, she is achieving her objective...


Gladys Baya said...

So, by studying Literature Rita will also be learning about life, Andre? 8-D I certainly like the idea... Does it apply to all teaching, in your view?

Might it be true that, by learning how to get through when writing college papers Rita will become a better communicator a life, widening her choices to get through to her partner and those around her? Or will "getting an education" mean she'll "lose them" as much as her partner fears losing her? In other words, is Rita's husband right to be afraid of what's going on?

And to what extent should Frank be concerned about all this, in your view?

Your posts really get me thinking, thanks for blogging!


andre said...

In my opinion, no matter what subject one might be studying, one always learns something about life!!! At the beginning of this course, if I'm not mistaken in my first post, I asked myself whether Ethics had practical implications beyond being a mere subject.., I immediately found an answer: yes! And as I've said many times before, it's not only the learner but also the teacher the one who learns something new with every lesson... committed teachers know so!!
Rita's partner might be afraid of losing her because of his ignorance: he believes that if Rita continues studying she'll realise that what he's got to offer is not enough, that she deserves something better... we'll see as the play progresses!
Big hug,

Gladys Baya said...

It'll be great to read what "implications for life" you've come to think this subject has, Andrea! I'll keep my fingers crossed that one day you might find the time to blog those thoughts!
