Monday 7 May 2007

Date la Buena Vida

What a title for this chapter... and I was so naive as to believe that this chapter was going to be enlightening! At least, I think that I've found one more answer to my questions!!!
Reflecting seems to be the word. It's not only thinking what we're supposed to do, but also reflecting on the choices we make. It's a question of trying to find out how to live a better life...
This, at the same time, should be reciprocal: we're all human beings and what makes us human is recognising each other, listening to each other, being there for each other...
More food for thought...

Celebrar la vida...
Pensar libremente.
Practicar la paciencia.
Sonreir con frecuencia.
Hacer nuevos amigos.Redescubrir los de antes.
Perdonar a un enemigo.Tener esperanzas. Crecer.
Ser LOCO!! Contar cada día nuestras bendiciones.
Dar. Crecer. Tener esa confianza que permite recibir.
Cumplir una promesa. Ser prudente. Tratar de comprender.
Reservar tiempo para la gente. Reservar tiempo para uno mismo. Esparcir la alegría.
Aceptar un riesgo. Ofrecerse. Abrirse a alguien. Probar algo nuevo. Aminorar la marcha.
Ser blando, a veces. Creer en uno mismo. Confiar en otros.
Mirar un amanecer. Escuchar la lluvia
Rememorar. Llorar cuando sea necesario.
Tener fe.
Cometer errores.
Celebrar la vida...
Jan Michelsen



Gladys Baya said...

Hi Andrea!

You've written: "what makes us human is recognizing one another", and this led me to reflect about how I question my own humanity and that of those around me when others make choices I find absolutely puzzling (as when those burglars broke into my house, remember?). It's so true that when we cannot "recognize" those around us we feel quite unsure of ourselves too!

I also wanted to thank you for sharing Michelsen's text. How did you come across it?


andre said...

Unfortunately, being humans implies imperfection... We all make mistakes. Itis unsettling when we're faced with people making terribly wrong choices: dictatorships, manslaughter and the like. What I'd like to believe is that when people make these kind of choices they don't see that what they're threatening is life. They fight against an idea or, in the case you mention in your post, they just see and object they want to have!
It's a complex issue and still makes me wonder a lot...

Gladys Baya said...

Just to let you know your post helped me understand the issue a little better...



L@ur@ said...

I just wanted to tell you that I liked so much Michelsen`s text that I copied and put it inside my notebook in order to read that words from time to time to remember what is life!!

