Monday 14 May 2007

Despierta Baby!

What's a good life? Does it have anything to do with getting our own way at all times? Is it in keeping with owning more and more things?Is it possible to agree on only one idea of what "a good life" entails? Or is this concept going to change from individual to individual? Complex questions for a complex concept...
Material possessions have a saying in this. We own things and yet, at the same time, they own us... if not look around you, and you'll see what materialism does to people. Wars, corruption, opportunism... and a never-ending list of negative concepts. Money is necessary, but greed is no good.You can buy lots of things with money: the house of your dreams, a great car and so and so on. What you cannot buy is love, real love. Friendship. Sympathy. A shoulder to cry on when you're feeling blue. A warm hug. Respect. Treat people like things, and you'll get things in return. What a difference it makes when you treat people for what they are: human beings!
A good life is not about money, I guess... Most probably has nothing to do with what the majority of people believe... A good life is a personal choice. Once more it has to do with reflecting. With understanding what is convenient for us and what is not. It's important to listen to each other: in my last post I stated that it is when we listen to one another that we recognize ourselves and the others as humans. Nevertheless, when it's time to make up our minds, nobody can (or should!) decide for us. We are free. We decide.


Gladys Baya said...

The Beatles had already sung it, Andre: "Money can't buy me love" ;-P

Talking seriously, your reference to listening as the only true way to reach our plenitude as human beings reminded me of a discussion I had once read on the meaning of the Chinese character for this concept. Follow the link above and enjoy it!

Perhaps you'd already heard of it before?

Big hug,


andre said...

It's a pity we don't have a word to define listening to, hearing, escuchar, ascolta etc in our culture... makes me wonder if this is why we tend to quarrel about everything without ever reaching consensus...
Perhaps it's time we coined this character!