Monday 21 May 2007

Aparece Pepito Grillo

Choices, choices and more choices!! And, once more, the fact that if we want to live a good life we're in charge of making choices. No one can do this for us...
Being concientious and responsible seems to be key. This depends both on inborn characteristics as well as on the social context in which we're born. Do you remember when I said in my last post that if we're not treated as humans we won't consider others humans, just things?
Reflect. Always give ourselves time to reflect upon what we do and take responsiblity for the decisions we make. We need to try to get what is best for us. A good life! This doesn't mean that in order to get what we want we should do whatever it takes "The end doesn't justify the means," says Kant. Selfishness can have a positive connotation as well: devoting time to ourselves and striving for what we want, always being responsible for what we decide to do, always being free...
And freedom, at times, implies feeling guilty when we do something that does not match what we really want to obtain...What to do , then?? Take responsibility for what we do incorrectly and correctly, however disgusting it is what we have done!! Face the consequences... that's when we are truly free. What a great responsibility we have as teachers...searching for a good life and inviting others to do the same... defining ourselves with every decision we make... setting the example?


Gladys Baya said...

Right you are, Andrea... Savater seems to be telling us that to be truly free, we must accept life is both black and white, right? (plus lots of shades of grey! :-P!!). We need to learn to love ourselves because of our imperfections... Only then will we be able to love others (our children? our classes?) imperfect as they are, and then be in a position to help them become free...


andre said...

I like to think that I can help them "become free..." imperfection makes us different and unique, makes life "spicy" and I also agree with you on the fact that first we need to love ourselves in order to love others...
Big kiss,

Gladys Baya said...

Just to let you know I love this last comment of yours about how it is actually our imperfection that makes each of us unique, Andrea... :-)

A clear case of reframing, that's what I call this!

Big hug,