Monday 2 July 2007

Diez años después: ante el nuevo milenio

After ten years, Savater decides to delight us with one more chapter, as if it had been necessary to add anything to his marvellous book!!
Taking into account the times we live in, he says that the key to enjoy a good life is to care about others. We must realize that we're social beings: we need to look after ourselves and, at the same time, take care of others since we belong to the same species. We need to leave aside stereotypes and recognize each other as what we are: humans.
Apart from this, he points out that we need to take care of our "house", our planet. I find this really important, inasmuch as many times governments think about making money at the expense of our environment. There are clear examples in our country such as the paper mills in Gualeguaychú, forests in the south or the jungle in Chaco and Salta... I wonder if they've ever stopped to think that they won't have enough time to spend all the money they've got by selling our country... our planet will be dead before that can happen