Sunday 3 June 2007

Tanto Gusto

Having a good life (or trying to live one!) implies satisfying our bodies. When the majority of people talk about inmoral behaviour they refer, most of the times, to sex. What is hidden behind this prejudice is the fear that most of us, as society, have regarding pleasure: we live in a society that is so focused on working so as to get whatever the market has to sell that we forget about having pleasure (and trying to find pleasure!) in what we do. Hedonism is a four-letter-word!! When we do something "because we like it," "for the sake of it" society looks down on us... well, not all of the society, but mostly puritans, people who believe that it is through suffering that we are going to have a good life.
Living a good life entails, then, finding pleasure in all the things we do. Enjoying what we do everyday. Not using pleasure as a way of avoiding life, of running away whenever we can't face the consequences of what we do... Pleasure is supposed to enrich our lives, to make it spicy, to make us happy... So, next time you feel guilty because you're having the time of your life and, on the other hand, you should be seeing to your never-ending list of "things I have to do today," relax and ENJOY!


Gladys Baya said...

Undoubtedly, all this boils down to our idea of the purpose of life, Andrea... I think you've got a point there..
Personally, I'm convinced we live to be happy, which to me is deeply linked to making as many other living beings as possible happy... This is how I face each morning, and how I face each class I teach (not that it's always been so, let's admit it!). At this stage of my life, this is so deep a conviction that I certainly wouldn't know how to explain its rationale... It'd be most educational if I had the chance to discuss the matter with somebody who was convinced we live to suffer!
Have you ever met anyone who felt that way? I think I have not...

andre said...

As you already know, I come from a very religious family and most of them think that through sacrifice and suffering we're better people.
I usedto think the same but, in the long run, I realised I'd missed a lot of important things because they implied YES! pleasure.
That was the day when I decided to live my life in a different way, which was not an easy task. So today I try to enjoy my life as much as possible and try to be somebody who makes others feel like this!