Sunday 22 April 2007

Haz lo que quieras

In my last post I wondered whether it was right or wrong to follow orders and costums or act on whims without taking into account the consequences of our actions. After reading chapter 3, I've come up with a "temporary" answer (those who are reading this book know what I mean ;) !)
Think. That's the first of the answers I found to my question. Not once, but twice, three times, as many times as necessary. And, once more, bear in mind that your decisions carry consequences. We are free when we examine what we do: nobody else can do this for us.
Do whatever you want... I still haven't made up my mind as to what to say about this... I figure I'll just have to wait for chapter 4!


Gladys Baya said...

Thinking, thinking, thinking... that does not sound like a bad definition of what we do at Ethics, Andre! ;-)

I'll be looking forward to reading your entry on "doing what we want"!



SIlvia K said...

Hi Andre! I do aree with you! The more we read the morre we question our own actions. Sometimes this question of doing whatever we want can be ¨misused¨...

andre said...

I agree with you Silvia... at times, many people do whatever they want to without taking into account the consequences of their actions. What's more, they're not even aware of the fact every single thing we do carries consequences. It's important to bear this in mind and to start to CARE...

Yohi said...

Hi Girls! It seems quite interesting taht most of us found chapter 3 quite limited and we are willing to go on chapter 4. What I considered important is the fact of awarness of our freedom in choosing. We are always deciding and even more in a classroom where our decisions involve others.


L@ur@ said...

Hi Andre, I just wanted to tell you that I agree with you when you say that we have to think more than once before acting, but personally I`d prefer sometimes not to think and just act because if I think twice, I know that I won`t do it and later I would regret for not having done it. Was it clear?I hope so.



Gladys Baya said...
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Gladys Baya said...

Just thinking about the ambiguities of language... Savater entitled his chapter 3 "Haz lo que quieras". Maybe he meant "do whatever you want", but he might have meant "do what you really want to do, don't live out of habit or whim"...

Or "listen to your heart" ("lo que quieras")instead of paying so much attention to your reason???

Just pondering options!


andre said...

For sure, a mixture of all of them!!! (just to complicate our lives a bit more, right?)

Gladys Baya said...

"Complicate"... as Yoha has defined it, Andrea?

Then, let's complicate our lives, and smile!



andre said...

Definitely yes!! it's the only way we feel alive...